The South Australian Government has announced a Digital by Default Declaration, recognising that “digital technology is critical to modernising and transforming our public services”.
The Digital by Default Declaration commits the South Australian State Government to “pro-actively transforming its services, using digital technology. New or reformed government services will be digital by default”, the declaration states.
The declaration requires public sector agencies to:
- transition existing services and paper-based processes to digital
- develop new services in partnership with those affected from a digital by default perspective
- ensure their workforce is skilled in the use of digital technologies
- develop digital strategies to achieve this and report publicly on progress.
Under the declaration, all digital services will be:
- available on-line, mobile-ready, easy to use and accessible
- designed with our customers
- offer value for money
- implemented so that, where appropriate, data can be made openly available in support of the government’s Declaration of Open Data.
A Digital Strategy is being developed by the Office of Digital Government to support agencies in implementing Digital by Default Practices.
A draft of the Digital Strategy is open for public comment between 12 November 2014 and 12 January 2015.
Read the draft South Australia’s draft Digital Strategy.
Learn about South Australia’s Open Data Declaration.