Ireland’s eGovernment Strategy

fingerprint in irish flag colours
fingerprint in irish flag colours

Ireland’s eGovernment Strategy aims to transform how citizens and businesses engage with the government, and reduce the costs of public service delivery and take-up of eGovernment services.

eGovernment 2012 – 2015 recognises the need for a continuation of existing eGovernment initiatives that deliver real benefits to users.  It requires public bodies to consider the potential of new and emerging technologies to improve public service delivery and to ensure that services reach the people for whom they are intended”the strategy states.

The strategy provides a roadmap for public agencies to embrace potential benefits of eGovernment, and includes a list of actions for implementation by 2015″.

Initiatives include:

  • Implementation of  Single Customer View, a centralised single view identity system
  • Ensure that public service data is available for re-use
  • Determine how online services can best be delivered to mobile users
  • Public agencies to develop a social media usage policy, and plans detailing how social media will used to improve access to services
  • Use electronic collaboration tools to empower and encourage engagement with citizens and businesses
  • Promote single point of data capture, both within and across organisations
  • Minimise data duplication by making data high in demand available across Government Networks for re-use (as appropriate and where legally permissible)

Read Ireland’s eGovernment Strategy.

Learn about Ireland’s Public Sector Reform plan.