The ACT Government has launched its Digital Canberra initiative, which aims to develop Canberra to a leading digital city.
The Digital Canberra Action Plan outlines initiatives to accelerate the development of a high growth digital economy. These include better engagement with citizens, greater openness and transparency and more efficient delivery services to meet the needs of the community.
The Action Plan is focused on five key areas:
- Smart City – enhancing our sense of place and access via free public Wi-Fi, digital arts, a vibrant CBD and digital spaces.
- Digital Economy – accelerating use of the digital economy to strengthen the workforce, boost productivity, build ICT capacity and facilitate collaboration.
- Connected Community – new ways of engaging with democracy and participating in civil society through social media, more flexible working arrangements and social inclusion.
- Open Government – unleashing the economic power of big data, transforming health and education services, delivering information how people want it.
- Digital Services – faster more efficient digital services, delivered to citizens as they live, work, learn and play, improving agency efficiency and creating a digital government.
Learn more about Digital Canberra.
Read the Digital Canberra Action Plan.